May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an essential time for us all to reflect on the importance of mental health in our lives and the lives of those around us. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues, breaking down stigma, and bringing real change to the mental health care system. It is a time to advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families.

This Mental Health Awareness Month, our commitment to these goals is personal. We recently lost a beloved colleague, Megan, to the battle with mental illness. Megan was known for her warmth, kindness, and the light she brought into the lives of all who knew her. Her passing is a profound reminder of why we must strive to understand and support those who struggle with mental health challenges silently.

The Importance of Awareness

Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and wellbeing, and mental illnesses are common and treatable. Yet, there is still much work to be done to eliminate stigma. We often say, “you are not alone,” but for many, like Megan, the struggles with mental health can feel isolating. This month, and beyond, we aim to show that no one should feel alone in their struggles.

Mental Health America emphasizes the importance of mental health from a preventive standpoint, advocating for early identification and intervention for those at risk, as well as integrated care and treatment for those who need it, with recovery as the ultimate goal. Wellness is not the absence of illness or stress. You can still strive for wellness even if you are experiencing these challenges in your life.

Megan’s Memorial Fundraiser

In memory of Megan and to honor her life, we have set up a memorial fundraiser to support mental health initiatives that were close to her heart. We invite you to contribute, as a way to extend support to those who are battling mental health conditions and to foster a community that actively engages in breaking down barriers.

Resources and Support

If you or someone you know is struggling, we encourage you to seek help. There are numerous resources available, including those provided by Mental Health America, which offer tools for understanding and improving mental health. Let us use this month to spread awareness, to check in on one another, and to take steps toward wellness together.

As we remember Megan, let us channel our grief into action. Let us educate ourselves and others about mental health. Let us be the advocates for change that Megan would have wanted us to be. This Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s commit to making mental health a priority, to supporting each other, and to building a future where no one feels alone in their struggles.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] for more information about options to help you successfully run your event.